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Touring AIR

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The Van tent Touring is the optimal companion for your vacation with the bus. A generous extension of the living space, combined with a lock to the vehicle, offers plenty of space to unfold in the Touring. With its four sleeping berths, the Touring promises plenty of space for relaxation. The Van tent Touring is available for the right and left side of the vehicle, each as Weathershield TC and Weathershield 68D variants.

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Ihre 2. Chance Touring AIR TC LH
Bei diesem Artikel handelt es sich um ein Ausstellungsstück / B-Ware Das Vanzelt Touring ist der optimale Begleiter für Ihren Urlaub mit dem Bus. Eine großzügige Erweiterung des Wohnraums, verbunden mit einer Schleuse zum Fahrzeug, bietet reichlich Fläche zur Entfaltung. Das Touring verspricht mit seinen vier Schlafplätze jede Menge Raum zur Erholung. Erhältlich ist das Vanzelt Touring für die rechte und linke Fahrzeugseite, jeweils als Weathershield TC und Weathershield 68D Variante. L/H) Der vordere Zeltzugang befindet sich in Richtung Fahrzeugfront, bei Montage an der Fahrerseite, bzw. vor dem Fahrzeug stehend rechts. Bei Nutzung in Richtung Fahrzeugfront auf der Beifahrerseite (vor dem Fahrzeug links) befindet sich der Zeltzugang am Heck. Mängel: leichte Gebrauchsspuren , einmalig aufgebaut Was B-Ware bedeutet B-Ware bezeichnen wir in erster Linie retournierte Artikel aus Produkt-Widerrufen, Vorführmodelle oder anderweitig, vom neuwertigen Original abweichende Ware. Die Ware wird durch unser Fachpersonal begutachtet und dokumentiert. Da optische Mängel, wie Verschmutzungen die Funktionalität nicht beeinflussen, erhalten Sie eine günstige Gelegenheit., die "2. Chance". Technisch ist die Ware einwandfrei. Sollte unwahrscheinlicher Weise aber dennoch einmal ein nicht aufgeführter Defekt vorliegen, gilt für Sachmängel eine eingeschränkte  

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Kampa Touring AIR - RH
The Kampa Touring AIR RH - perfect for those who need more space and more sleeping places. The Touring AIR is available in two versions, Weathershield HD or Weathershield Airflow Classic Polycotton - a breathable material that reduces condensation and regulates the interior temperature. The Touring AIR is designed to sit next to your vehicle, giving you maximum space without overhanging your parking space. The large connecting airlock can be easily attached to your vehicle and is equipped with a large side door. This airlock is large enough to be used as additional storage space. The touring is equipped with a large canopy that protects you from the sun and rain and allows you to open the door even when it rains. Inside you'll find a large living space with plenty of windows, all with zip-up shutters, and three doors, all with fly screens. The Touring AIR always comes with a large inner tent with four sleeping places which can alternatively be used for storage if needed. (R/H) The front tent access is towards the front of the vehicle, when mounted on the driver's side, or standing in front of the vehicle on the Right.   The van is not included in the delivery.

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Kampa Touring AIR TC L/H
The Kampa Touring AIR TC -LH - perfect for those who need more space and more sleeping places. The Touring AIR is available in two versions, Weathershield HD or Weathershield Airflow Classic Polycotton - a breathable material that reduces condensation and regulates the interior temperature. The Touring AIR is designed to sit next to your vehicle, giving you maximum space without overhanging your parking space. The large connecting airlock can be easily attached to your vehicle and is equipped with a large side door. This airlock is large enough to be used as additional storage space. The touring is equipped with a large canopy that protects you from the sun and rain and allows you to open the door even when it rains. Inside you'll find a large living space with plenty of windows, all with zip-up shutters, and three doors, all with fly screens. The Touring AIR always comes with a large inner tent with four sleeping places which can alternatively be used for storage if needed.   (L/H) The front tent access is towards the front of the vehicle, when mounted on the passenger side, or standing in front of the vehicle on the left.   The van is not included in the delivery.

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Kampa Touring AIR TC R/H
The Kampa Touring AIR TC -RH - perfect for those who need more space and more sleeping places. The Touring AIR is available in two versions, Weathershield HD or Weathershield Airflow Classic Polycotton - a breathable material that reduces condensation and regulates the interior temperature. The Touring AIR is designed to sit next to your vehicle, giving you maximum space without overhanging your parking space. The large connecting airlock can be easily attached to your vehicle and is equipped with a large side door. This airlock is large enough to be used as additional storage space. The touring is equipped with a large canopy that protects you from the sun and rain and allows you to open the door even when it rains. Inside you'll find a large living space with plenty of windows, all with zip-up shutters, and three doors, all with fly screens. The Touring AIR always comes with a large inner tent with four sleeping places which can alternatively be used for storage if needed. (R/H) The front tent access is towards the front of the vehicle, when mounted on the driver's side, or standing in front of the vehicle on the Right.     The van is not included in the delivery.

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Kampa Touring AIR - LH
The Kampa Touring AIR LH - perfect for those who need more space and more sleeping places. The Touring AIR is available in two versions, Weathershield HD or Weathershield Airflow Classic Polycotton - a breathable material that reduces condensation and regulates the interior temperature. The Touring AIR is designed to sit next to your vehicle, giving you maximum space without overhanging your parking space. The large connecting airlock can be easily attached to your vehicle and is equipped with a large side door. This airlock is large enough to be used as additional storage space. The touring is equipped with a large canopy that protects you from the sun and rain and allows you to open the door even when it rains. Inside you'll find a large living space with plenty of windows, all with zip-up shutters, and three doors, all with fly screens. The Touring AIR always comes with a large inner tent with four sleeping places which can alternatively be used for storage if needed.   (L/H) The front tent access is towards the front of the vehicle, when mounted on the passenger side, or standing in front of the vehicle on the left.   The van is not included in the delivery.

Kampa Fleece Carpet Touring / Hayling 4
The fleece carpet Touring / Hayling 4 from Kampa increases the comfort factor in your tent. Be it for warmer feet, playing children, or the beloved pet.The insulating feature of the carpet  provides  any need for warmth and comfort. Moreover, it prevents moisture from entering.Each carpet is durable, UV stable and tailored for your particular tent.

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